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Opinion Letter 81-08
A plan did not properly terminate and does not fit the exemption from Title IV coverage for plans that do not provide for employer contributions.
Opinion Letter 75-46
A plan sponsored by a political subdivision that has taxing power is excluded from coverage.
Opinion Letter 77-168
Employer’s principal business is the installation of cathodic protection systems, employer is not a Professional Service Employer and plan is covered under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 98-01
Management consultant is not a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 74-24
A plan maintained by a union and funded only by contributions from union members is not covered under Title IV
Opinion Letter 79-12
State licensed planner whose company provides consulting services to assist municipal planning boards with development plans, land use studies and housing surveys is a Professional Service Employer and plan is exempt from Title IV coverage.
Opinion Letter 75-17
Addresses the individual account plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 74-19
A tax qualified defined benefit plan is covered.
Opinion Letter 75-43
A plan with one participant who is a substantial owner is not covered.
Opinion Letter 81-31
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.