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Opinion Letter 78-25
Plan is a Governmental plan; water authority created by statute; board appt by town's council, funded by water assessments, fund pays for plan including deficits upon termination, participants are water authority's employees
Opinion Letter 80-10
Food broker is not a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 74-25
Plan of Canadian company with mostly Canadian participants is not covered under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 76-56
Plan must be communicated to eligible participants to be tax qualified and a Title IV covered plan.
Opinion Letter 77-145
Employer providing consulting services in bio-mechanics, forensic physics, traffic reconstruction, injury analysis, and automotive and traffic safety is a Professional Services Employer and is exempt under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 76-63
Plan is a pay as you go plan. Plan is not tax qualified and thus is not covered under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 76-86
Plan is not an Individual account. Plan is not exempt from Title IV coverage.
Opinion Letter 81-23
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 75-104
Licensed veterinarians are “licensed practitioners of the healing arts” for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 77-140
Plans maintained by instrumentalities of the Federal government are exempt from coverage under the Governmental plan coverage exemption.