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Opinion Letter 75-39
A plan maintained exclusively for substantial owners is exempt from coverage under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 77-150
Analytical chemistry is a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 77-152
Plan of municipal corporation designated by constitution as political subdivision of state and having taxing power is a Governmental plan exempt under ERISA 4021(b)(2).
Opinion Letter 76-74
Plan is not an individual account plan. Plan is not be exempt from Title IV coverage.
Opinion Letter 96-02
Plan does not meet the Governmental plan exemption from coverage.
Opinion Letter 74-18
Plan that is tax-qualified under IRC 401(a) is covered by Title IV.
Opinion Letter 80-15
River pilot is not a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer exemption.
Opinion Letter 81-07
Following a restructuring of three pension plans maintained by one company, each restructured plan remains a Title IV covered plan, each plan qualifies as a successor plan, and the plan sponsor would be liable to PBGC for any funding deficiency at termination.
Opinion Letter 78-17
Defined benefit plan was not terminated before enactment of ERISA and is covered by Title IV.
Opinion Letter 75-2
Individual account plan is exempt from coverage under Title IV.