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Opinion Letter 83-16
Government contractors are not excluded from PBGC coverage.
Opinion Letter 81-30
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 81-10
A plan that in practice met the criteria for tax qualification for five years prior to its termination date was covered under Title IV at plan termination.
Opinion Letter 74-21
Profit sharing plans are excluded from coverage under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 75-40
Welfare plans are not covered under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 78-21
Embalmer and funeral director is not a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 77-163
Licensed clinical laboratory bio-analyst is a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 75-19
Addresses the Professional Service Employer plan and Substantial Owner plan coverage exemptions.
Opinion Letter 81-02
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 80-11
Artist-designer is not a professional individual for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.