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Opinion Letter 75-54
Title IV does not cover deposits made into a Keogh Trust.
Opinion Letter 89-09
Plan does not meet Title IV coverage exemption since activities covered by the plan were off-reservation commercial activities carried on for profit.
Opinion Letter 77-139
A plan with a participant who is the sole stockholder meets the Substantial Owner exemption from plan coverage under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 78-1
Church plan status is determined by the IRS, must get an IRS ruling on church plan status.
Opinion Letter 77-171
Funds contributed to a plan whether paid directly by the local union maintaining it or indirectly through deductions from membership dues are employer contributions and the plan is covered under Title IV
Opinion Letter 81-16
A retirement arrangement is not covered plan under Title IV because it is not tax qualified.
Opinion Letter 78-26
Plan maintained by a Council created by a state statute meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 74-05
Profit sharing plan is an Individual account plan which is exempt from coverage under Title IV.
Opinion Letter 75-20
Licensed veterinarians are “licensed practitioners of the healing arts” for purposes of the Professional Service Employer plan exemption.
Opinion Letter 75-106
Plan is not an Individual account plan because it does not provide for individual accounts for each participant. Plan is covered under Title IV.