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Your PBGC Benefit Options

PBGC offers several benefit options to any participant who receives his or her first benefit payment on or after May 1, 2002. The following are answers to questions about benefit choices currently available to participants who are not yet retired.

You may elect to receive your benefits in one of the following ways:

  • a straight-life annuity that provides you with fixed monthly benefit payments for your lifetime. No survivor benefit will be paid after your death.
  • a 5-year, 10-year or 15-year certain-and-continuous annuity that provides you with fixed monthly benefit payments for your lifetime. If you elect this type of life annuity and die before the end of the 5-, 10- or 15-year time period you selected, your designated beneficiary will receive the same monthly benefit for the remainder of the period. If you die after the end of the period, benefit payments end upon your death. Note that the 5-, 10- or 15-year period starts when your benefit payments start, not when you die.
  • a joint-and-survivor annuity that provides you with fixed monthly benefit payments for your lifetime and, upon your death, continues payments to your spouse or other beneficiary for the rest of his or her life. The monthly benefit your spouse or other beneficiary receives is 50, 75 or 100 percent - depending on your choice - of the amount you were receiving while you were alive. If your beneficiary dies before you, your monthly benefit will not change.
  • a joint-and-50% survivor "pop-up" annuity that differs from the joint-and-survivor annuity described above in that, if your spouse or other beneficiary dies before you, your monthly benefit "pops-up" to the straight-life annuity amount for the rest of your life.
  • the "automatic" form of benefit offered to you under your plan.

If you are married when your benefit payments begin, your spouse must provide written consent for you to elect any form of benefit other than the automatic form your plan would pay to a married participant.

Our publication Your Benefit, Your Choice provides more information about your benefit options.

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