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Missing Participants Program Category 2 PV Calculators

New and noteworthy - On June 6, 2024, PBGC issued a final rule that, among other things, modernized the interest and mortality assumptions used for Category 2 calculations for Benefit Determination Dates (BDDs) on or after July 31, 2024.

The new interest assumption is structured as a yield curve. The applicable yield curve to be used for BDDs from 7/31/2024 through 12/31/2024 will not be available until mid-August 2024. An updated version of the spreadsheet will be provided at that time.

The following table contains spreadsheets that, in certain situations, may be used to determine benefit transfer amounts under PBGC’s DB Missing Participants Program


For Benefit Determination Dates In:

2024 before July 31, 2024

Last Updated: