Guidance Document Database
The documents listed below are PBGC’s guidance documents. The contents of these documents do not have the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute or incorporated into a contract, and are not meant to bind the public in any way. These documents are intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
If you would like to comment on an existing guidance document, please submit your comment, including your contact information, to the General Counsel at or at Regulatory Affairs Division, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Office of the General Counsel, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2101.
Title | Issuance Date | Agency Identifier (indexed field) | Topics | Summary | Posted Date |
Effect of ARP on 4010 Reporting | 10-15-2021 | PBGC TU 21-1 | Annual reporting | Technical Update 21-1 provides PBGC guidance on the effect of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), Pub. L. No. 117-2 on annual financial and actuarial reporting under section 4010 of ERISA and part 4010 of PBGC’s regulations. |
10-15-2021 |
SFA Assumptions Guidance - Superseded as of July 11, 2022 | 7-9-2021 | PBGC SFA 21-02 | Special financial assistance, Multiemployer | Provides guidelines for changes to certain assumptions that multiemployer plans may use for purposes of determining eligibility for special financial assistance (SFA) and the amount of SFA. |
7-9-2021 |
FOIA | 12-16-2019 | PBGC Web 015 | Freedom of Information Act | PBGC’s Freedom of Information Act Guide |
2-28-2020 |
FOIA | 12-16-2019 | PBGC Web 015 | Freedom of Information Act | 2-28-2020 | |
Frequently Asked Questions About ERISA 4062(e) | 12-6-2019 | PBGC Web 002 | Substantial cessation of operations | Answers common questions on liability and notice requirements following a substantial cessation of operations. |
2-28-2020 |
Frequently asked questions about standard terminations | 1-28-2020 | PBGC Web 013 | Standard termination | Provides information on filing a standard termination, distribution of benefits, and standard termination audits |
2-28-2020 |
Increased Guarantee Limit for Multiemployer Plans | 12-26-2000 | PBGC TU 00-7 | Multiemployer, Benefit guarantee | Discusses how the PBGC's maximum guarantee limit works under the multiemployer insurance program and explains an increase in maximum guarantee limit for participants in multiemployer plans. |
2-28-2020 |
Present Value of the Maximum PBGC Guaranteed Benefit under IRC Section 436(d)(3)(A)(ii) and ERISA Section 206(g)(3)(C)(i)(II) | 12-17-2007 | PBGC TU 07-4 | Benefit guarantee, Present value | Guidance on determining the present value of the maximum benefit guaranteed by PBGC. |
2-28-2020 |
Simplified Methods for Applying the Requirement to Disregard Benefit Reductions in Determining Withdrawal Liability - Multiemployer Pension Plans - Pension Protection Act of 2006 | 7-15-2010 | PBGC TU 10-3 | Multiemployer, Withdrawal Liability, Unfunded vested benefits, PPA | Provides simplified methods for the application of the statutory requirement that multiemployer plans in critical status disregard certain benefit reductions in determining the plan's unfunded vested benefits for purposes of determining an employer's withdrawal liability under section 4201 of ERISA. |
2-28-2020 |
Multiemployer Plans - Clarification of Schedule R (Form 5500) Instructions and Partial Reporting Relief for 2009 | 6-8-2010 | PBGC TU 10-1 | Annual reporting | Clarifies the Line 14 Instructions for the Schedule R (Form 5500) and provides partial reporting relief for completing Line 14 for the 2009 plan year. |
2-28-2020 |
Minimum Lump Sum Assumptions for Single-Employer Plans that Terminate in a Plan Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2008 | 12-31-2008 | PBGC TU 08-4 | Lump sum, Standard termination, PPA | Expands on guidance in Technical Update 07-3 on lump sum valuation issues for single-employer plans that terminate in a standard termination. Applies to plans that terminate on or after the effective date of certain amendments to the law as enacted by the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA 2006) concerning how to apply the PPA 2006 changes in the interest rate and mortality table used in calculating minimum lump sum amounts. |
2-28-2020 |
Minimum Lump Sum Assumptions for Terminating Single-Employer Plans; Effect of Pension Protection Act of 2006 | 12-3-2007 | PBGC TU 07-3 | Lump sum, Standard termination | Guidance on lump sum valuation issues for single-employer plans that terminate in a standard termination with a termination date prior to, and a final distribution date on or after, the effective date of changes in the interest rate and mortality table used in calculating minimum lump sum values under the Pension Protection Act. |
2-28-2020 |
Risk Mitigation & Early Warning Program | 12-6-2019 | PBGC Web 004 | Early Warning, Risk Mitigation | Provides information about PBGC’s review of corporate transactions or events that may pose an increased risk to single-employer pension plans. |
2-28-2020 |
Risk Mitigation & Early Warning Questions and Answers | 7-20-2018 | PBGC Web 003 | Early Warning, Risk Mitigation | Answers commonly asked questions about PBGC’s Risk Mitigation & Early Warning Program. |
2-28-2020 |
Multiemployer Insolvent Plan Administrative Expense FAQs | 8-24-2017 | PBGC Web 005 | Multiemployer | Answers common questions about reasonable administrative expenses of insolvent multiemployer plans. |
2-28-2020 |
Active Participant Reduction Reportable Events | 9-15-2017 | PBGC TU 17-1 | Reportable events, Notices | Guidance on compliance with the active participant reduction event requirements of section 4043(c)(3) of ERISA and PBGC’s regulation on Reportable Events and Certain Other Notification Requirements (29 CFR part 4043.23(a)). PBGC adopted a rule addressing the issue effective 3/5/2020. (See 29 CFR part 4010.) |
2-28-2020 |
PBGC Insurance Coverage | 12-6-2019 | PBGC Web 001 | Coverage | Addresses how to determine whether a pension plan is covered by PBGC and explains the common exemptions from coverage. |
2-28-2020 |
Premium Filing Due Date Change for 2025 Plan Years | 1-6-2025 | PBGC TU 25-1 | Premiums | Guidance on the timing of premium payments for plan years beginning in 2025, which, because of a provision in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, are generally due a month earlier than the due date provided in PBGC’s Payment of Premiums regulation (29 CFR part 4007). |
1-24-2025 |
4010 Financial Information Reporting Waiver | 10-16-2019 | PBGC TU 19-1 | Annual reporting | Guidance on compliance with the annual financial and actuarial information reporting requirements under Section 4010 of ERISA. PBGC adopted a rule addressing the issue effective 3/5/2020. (See 29 CFR part 4010.) |
2-28-2020 |
PBGC Premium Filings for CSEC Plans for 2019 and 2020 Plan Years | 1-3-2020 | PBGC TU 20-1 | Premiums | Guidance for cooperative and small-employer charity (CSEC) plans on filing premiums for 2019 and 2020 plan years that reflect the premium changes under the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act). |
2-28-2020 |
American Rescue Plan Act FAQs | 7-16-2024 | PBGC Web | Special financial assistance, Multiemployer | Answers common questions about PBGC’s Special Financial Assistance program. |
7-16-2024 |
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense | 7-16-2024 | PBGC Web | Special financial assistance, Multiemployer | 7-16-2024 | |
4262 IFR Final Posted | 7-9-2021 | PBGC SFA 21-01 | Special financial assistance, Multiemployer | Sets forth the requirements for special financial assistance applications and related restrictions and conditions pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. |
7-9-2021 |
SFA Assumptions Guidance - Updated July 11, 2022, Superseded as of January 3, 2023 | 7-11-2022 | PBGC SFA 22-07 | Special financial assistance, Multiemployer | Provides guidelines for changes to certain assumptions that multiemployer plans may use for purposes of determining eligibility for special financial assistance (SFA) and the amount of SFA. |
7-11-2022 |
Requests to Review Multiemployer Plan Alternative Terms and Conditions to Satisfy Withdrawal Liability | 4-4-2018 | 83 FR 14524 | Multiemployer, Withdrawal Liability | Reviews information that PBGC finds helpful and factors that PBGC considers in reviewing multiemployer plan proposals for alternative terms and conditions to satisfy withdrawal liability. |
2-28-2020 |