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Premium Filing Payment & Instructions

Comprehensive Premium Filing Instructions, including illustrative forms:

Premium Payment Instructions & Contact Information

Payment Options Within My PAA

Premium-related payments may be submitted from the Plan Details page or through the filing process using My PAA (both via ACH). If you choose to pay within My PAA, you will have to provide your banking information so that PBGC can "pull" the funds from your account after you submit your filing. If your account has an "ACH Debit Block", please provide the appropriate PBGC Company ID to your financial institution before you submit your payment so they may authorize PBGC to debit your account. See the chart below for the PBGC Company ID for payments made "Within My PAA".

To select a payment method for a My PAA screen-prepared filing or an imported filing, you must be assigned the "Payment Preparer" role (by the filing coordinator) and the filing status must be Pending Payment Info (it will be reflected in the In-process Filings or Plan Details page). See the Demos for additional instructions for selecting a payment method.

To submit a payment from the Plan Details Page, you must be assigned the "Payment Preparer" role (by the filing coordinator). Once assigned this role, click on Submit Payment action-button, and then select the plan year you wish to submit a payment for. Then select the payment type (i.e., Statement of Account (SOA), 4071 Non-Compliance Penalty, Resubmit Returned Payment or Other) of the payment. Note: if you select Other as the payment option, you will be required to enter more details in the text box provided. For additional instructions, please view the How to Submit a My PAA Payment Outside of the Filing Process Published Answer.

PBGC has two Company IDs for ACH Debit Blocks. Please use the appropriate ID based on the type of payment you are submitting.

Type of Payment PBGC Company ID 1601000603
Within My PAA 1601000606

Payments Outside of My PAA

Payment outside of My PAA is permitted for any filing and is required if multiple filings are uploaded at the same time (i.e., a batch upload). However, separate payments must be submitted for each plan. Do not combine premiums for two or more plans into one payment.

The preferred payment option outside of My PAA is, which is fast, secure, and free for premium payers.

For fast, automatic posting to the premium account, the payment must reference the plan's employer identification number (EIN), plan number (PN) and the plan year commencement date. for secure electronic payments:

Go to PBGC’s page for premium payments This is a direct link to the PBGC Premium Insurance Payments Form. This link can also be found at You will be automatically directed to a secure site. Select Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation from the Agency List. You will need the plan's EIN, PN, and Plan Year Commencement Date to complete the payment. Please be sure your account does not have an "ACH Debit Block". If your account has an "ACH Debit Block", please provide the appropriate PBGC Company ID to your financial institution before you submit your payment so they may authorize PBGC to debit your account. See the chart for PBGC Company IDs. Without this authorization, your financial institution may reject the processing of your payment. A Debit Block is the most common reason for failed ACH payments. Transactions on your bank statement will appear as: PBGC Premium Payment.

Please note that if your account is blocked by your bank, give the bank the following PBGC Company ID before you submit your payment, which will allow the payment to be processed: 1601000603. Transactions on your bank statement will appear as: PBGC Premium Payment.

Paper Checks

To pay by check, send a completed voucher and a check made out to “Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation” to the applicable address shown below (based on the delivery method):

USPS Regular Mail

Overnight Express Delivery

P.O. Box 979120
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000
U.S. Bank Lockbox    
Attn: PBGC #979120
3180 Rider Trail S.
Earth City, MO 63045
Phone: 1-800-495-4981

Please include the plan’s EIN and PN on the check in case it becomes separated from the voucher.

Notice to Customers Making Payment by Check

When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.

Privacy Act — A Privacy Act Statement required by 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3) stating our authority for soliciting and collecting the information from your check, and explaining the purposes and routine uses which will be made of your check information, is available from our internet site at (, or call toll free at (1-866-945-7920) to obtain a copy by mail. Furnishing the check information is voluntary, but a decision not to do so may require you to make payment by some other method.

Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT, other than

For ACH payments:

Credit Gateway – ACH Receiver  
33 Livingston Avenue  
St. Paul, MN 55107  
Transaction Code: 22  
Standard Entry Class Code: CCD+  
ABA: 051036706  
Account: 816010006001  
Receiving Company Name: PBGC  

For Fedwire payments:

US Treasury-NYC  
33 Liberty Street  
New York, NY 10045  
ABA: 021030004  
Account: 816010006001  
Beneficiary: PBGC  

Please note that the EIN is the employer identification number, PN is the plan number and PYC is the date the plan year begins (i.e., plan year commencement).

Premium Contact Information

Premium Customer Service Center


Phone: 1-800-736-2444 or (202) 229-4242 and select the "premium" option.  
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.

Mailing Addresses for Correspondence

My PAA Practitioners:

Submit correspondence to the PBGC via the "Submit Request" Link, which is available to all My PAA practitioners with an active account. For a step-by-step guide, see the My PAA Submit Other Request & Correspondence instructions.

Non-My PAA Practitioners:

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation  
Collections and Compliance Division  
Attn: Correspondence  
445 12th Street SW  
Washington, DC 20024-2101

Review the My PAA online Demos

Last Updated:

Online Premium Filing (My PAA)

My PAA is PBGC’s secure online application for electronic submission of premium filings and payments.

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How to Use My PAA