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PBGC Announces Leadership Appointments

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON - The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation announced two key appointments to its leadership team. Janice Brown-Taylor has been named Deputy Chief of Benefits Administration and Michael Hutchins is the Director for the Plan Asset & Data Management Department.

Taylor and Hutchins complete the management team in the Office of Benefits Administration (OBA), one of the agency’s largest departments. OBA manages the termination process for defined benefit plans, provides participant services (including calculation and payment of benefits) for PBGC-trusteed plans, provides actuarial support for PBGC and carries out PBGC’s responsibilities under settlement agreements.
Deputy Chief of Benefits Administration – Janice Brown-Taylor 

Janice Brown-Taylor was named the Deputy Chief of Benefits Administration on July 30. Taylor is responsible for oversight of the day-to-day operation and management of OBA. This includes providing executive management direction of organizational resources and monitoring program activities across the organization. 

In January, Taylor started working with OBA’s leadership team after returning from a two-year tour with the Federal Trade Commission as the Customer Success Program Manager in the Office of the Chief Information Officer.  

No stranger to PBGC, in her distinguished 24-year federal career, 22 years have been at the agency. Not only does Taylor have the technical expertise as an actuary and IT project manager in her portfolio, but she has also demonstrated great agility, effective management skills and a very positive approach to leadership.

Taylor earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Alcorn State University and is a certified Project Management Professional. 

Director, Plan Asset & Data Management Department (PADMD) – Michael Hutchins

Michael Hutchins was named Director of PADMD on Sept. 25. In this position, Hutchins oversees audits of both plan assets and participant data. This includes using auditor judgment and other analytical procedures, overseeing evidence preservation that supports individual participant calculations, and financial reporting.

Hutchins has been working with OBA’s leadership team as Acting PADMD Director since late July. After joining the agency five years ago, Hutchins has held various supervisory auditing roles within OBA.  

During his combined 23 years in private industry and the federal government, Hutchins has demonstrated great technical competency, agility and effective management skills.

Hutchins earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Frostburg State University and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant.


About PBGC:

PBGC protects the pension benefits of nearly 40 million Americans in private-sector pension plans. The agency operates two separate insurance programs — one covering pension plans sponsored by a single-employer and another covering multiemployer pension plans, which are sponsored by more than one employer and maintained under collective bargaining agreements. PBGC is currently responsible for the benefits of about 1.5 million people in failed pension plans. PBGC receives no taxpayer dollars. Its operations are financed by insurance premiums, investment income, and, for the Single-Employer Program, assets and recoveries from failed single-employer plans. For more information, visit


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