Welcome to the PBGC's Open Government webpage. This page includes important PBGC data sets and information about how the American public can provide input to make PBGC even better and more engaging. The information on this page complements the many other Federal agency data sets located at data.gov.
Achieving Efficiency, Transparency, and Innovation through Reusable and Open Source Software (M-16-21), OMB's Federal Source Software Policy requires federal agencies to "ensure that an appropriate alternatives analysis has been conducted before considering the acquisition of an existing commercial solution or a custom-developed solution."
This memo also requires agencies to publicly post this policy. PBGC's Alternatives Analysis Standard and Methodology defines the Corporation's approved process for identifying and recommending an information technology (IT) solutions and products that are the best overall fit for PBGC use.
The PBGC Data Governance Board (DGB)
The DGB provides executive leadership and oversight for the development and implementation of the policies and processes which govern the collection or creation, management, use, and disclosure of PBGC data. They meet once a month. See the PBGC Data Governance Charter and the full list of members on the DGB page.
PBGC Chief Data Officer
Melanie Carter is PBGC’s Chief Data Officer (CDO). She can be reached at pbgccdo@pbgc.gov or 202-229-4032. For more information, refer to the DGB page.
Open Government Documents and Resources
- Annual Performance & Financial Reports
- Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
- Federal Register Notices Open for Comment
- Open Data Plan
- PBGC in Plain English
- PBGC Customer Service Plan
- PBGC Tribal Consultation Plan
- Reducing Regulatory Burden
Open Call for Improvement
PBGC welcomes input on these data sets and other ways to promote transparency, participation, and collaboration in government. Please direct feedback to opengov@pbgc.gov.
To help us do a better job of serving you:
- What PBGC data or content should PBGC make more readily available?
- Which PBGC online service or data would you like to be easier to use?
- Which PBGC service would you like to use on your mobile device?
PBGC puts out an annual call to the public for input and suggestions to improve the Open Government and Open Data policies and data sets. PBGC receives and reviews all feedback and submissions to opengov@pbgc.gov. PBGC then works with the appropriate subject matter expert and the Open Data Working Group to evaluate the ability and priority to publish the data sets. PBGC does not have a policy requiring a response to submitted feedback, but will engage the submitter for additional information or clarification if necessary.
PBGC Data Sets
These data sets increase agency accountability, improve public knowledge of the agency and its operations, create economic opportunity, and further the agency's mission. These data sets are machine accessible and downloadable.
ERISA 4044 (Immediate and Deferred) Annuities
These select and ultimate interest rates are issued for the specific purpose of determining the present value of annuities in involuntary and distress terminations of single-employer plans, as discussed in 29 CFR 4044. They are also used to value benefits and certain assets under multiemployer plans following mass withdrawal as discussed in 29 CFR 4281. (Updated quarterly)
Financial Assistance Payments to Multiemployer Plans
This spreadsheet contains a list of all financial assistance payments made by the PBGC to multiemployer plans from Fiscal Year 2005 through the current fiscal year. (Updated quarterly)
Multiemployer Pension Plans
This spreadsheet lists the active multiemployer pension plans insured by PBGC. Plans are identified by name, employer identification number (EIN) and plan number (PN). However, sometimes employers pay PBGC premiums in error even if the pension plan is not covered by PBGC. See FAQs for more details. (Updated quarterly)
Multiemployer Pension Plan Terminations, Mergers, and Insolvencies
A listing of multiemployer pension plan terminations, mergers, and insolvencies reported to the PBGC for the current fiscal year. This data set will be updated annually. (Updated annually)
PBGC Amount in Pay Per State for US and US Territories Single-Employer Program
Provides customer counts and amounts paid to customers in the calendar year for customers of pension plans trusteed by the PBGC under its single-employer program by state (US territory) and congressional district. (Updated annually)
PBGC Appeals Board Data
Shows the number of appeals opened and closed, average number of days to close an appeal, percent of appeals with a decision change, and current number of appeals for the past decade. (Updated annually)
Pension Insurance Data Tables
Find out about retirement trends in PBGC's data tables. The tables include statistics on the people and pensions that PBGC protects, including how many Americans are in PBGC-insured pension plans, how many get PBGC benefits, and where they live. This data set will be updated periodically. (Updated annually)
Single-Employer Pension Plans
This spreadsheet lists the active single-employer pension plans paying premiums to PBGC. Plans are identified by name, employer identification number (EIN) and plan number (PN). However, sometimes employers pay PBGC premiums in error even if the pension plan is not covered by PBGC. See FAQs for more details. (Updated quarterly)
Single-Employer Plans Trusteed by PBGC
This spreadsheet contains a list of all single-employer defined benefit pension plans trusteed by the PBGC since its creation in 1974. (Updated quarterly)
Variable-Rate Premium Interest Rates
These rates, the spot segment rates, are used to determine the variable-rate premium (VRP) unless the plan has an election in effect to use the Alternative Premium Funding Target. These rates are determined and published by the IRS. (Updated monthly)