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Opinion Letter 75-116
Discusses the difference between a multiemployer plan and a multiple employer plan and the termination provisions applicable to the latter.
Opinion Letter 81-06
Plan termination date agreed to by PBGC and the company was after participants had constructive notice of termination .
Opinion Letter 77-124
PBGC did not issue a premium refund for plan that it found was not terminated.
Opinion Letter 87-10
PBGC suspended the processing of a plan termination following receipt of a letter from a union that the termination of the plan violated the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
Opinion Letter 76-34
Involuntary termination requirements in section 4042(a) do not apply to voluntary terminations under section 4041.
Opinion Letter 85-24
PBGC will not insure annuities purchased by a terminated multiemployer plan and PBGC is not authorized to pay benefits when a non-insolvent multiemployer plan terminates.
Opinion Letter 91-02
Addresses whether a qualified preretirement survivor annuity is a nonforfeitable benefit where the participant had not died as of the date of plan termination. Under the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014, a qualified preretirement survivor annuity is not to be treated as forfeitable solely because the participant is alive on the date of multiemployer plan insolvency or termination.
Opinion Letter 81-11
PBGC did not guarantee benefits for a terminated plan, the termination of which was done in concert with the establishment of new retirement arrangements designed to provide substantially the same benefits.
Opinion Letter 76-107
Allocation of assets of terminating plan otherwise than in accordance with section 4044 is not allowed. Transfer of asset to a defined contribution plan requires that all participants be offered option for immediate receipt of their benefits.
Opinion Letter 89-05
This opinion letter addresses whether an QPSAs and other benefits are nonforfeitable after termination of a multiemployer plan such that they should be considered in determining withdrawal liability.