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Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation June 27, 2014

Designated Representatives of the Board Members
Phyllis C. Borzi, Assistant Secretary of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration
(Designated Representative of Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez)
Mark Doms, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs
(Designated Representative of Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker)

Judith R. Starr, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board

Other Board Agency Staff
Hilary Duke, Division Chief, Office of Policy and Research, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor
Kendra Kosko, Employee Benefits Law Specialist, Office of Policy and Research, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor
Rick Lattimer, Policy Analyst, Economics and Statistics Administration, Department of Commerce
Patricia Kao, Acting Director, Office of Financial Institutions Policy, Department of the Treasury
Sam Valverde, Senior Advisor, Department of the Treasury

 The Board, through its representatives duly designated pursuant to section 4002.J(b)(1) of the Corporation's Bylaws, met telephonically on June 27, 2014. The Acting Chair, Assistant Secretary of Labor Phyllis C. Borzi, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

 The Acting Chair explained that the purpose of the meeting was to review and approve transmittal of the Corporation's 2013 Projections Report to the President, the Congress, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. The report provides an actuarial evaluation of PBGC's future expected operations and financial status as required under section 4008 of ERISA. She noted that, upon such approval, the report will be transmitted and released to the public following correction of any technical errors agreed to by all the Board Representatives. The minutes of this meeting will be circulated to the Board Members with their approval thereof constituting ratification of the acts of the Board Representatives.

 The Acting Chair thanked PBGC management and staff for all their hard work on the Report. She then requested a motion to approve, absent any material changes, transmittal of the Corporation's fiscal year 2013 Projections Report to the President, the Congress, and the Director of Management and Budget. The motion was made, and upon being seconded, passed.

 The meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.

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