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PBGC Vendor Information Repository


Thank you for your interest in Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC’s) ongoing market research efforts and contracting opportunities. The most effective way to market your goods and services to PBGC is to send an electronic version of your capability statement, which demonstrates your company’s ability to provide quality products or services.


Your capabilities statement will prove more useful to the agency if it relates to our core business and technology needs. Therefore, we recommend that prior to submitting your capabilities statement you review information on our website. There, you will find information and reports concerning the Agency Budget and Performance, as well as information-technology related plans and reports. Lastly, we encourage you to review is external) where PBGC posts acquisition opportunities.

Submittal Instructions:

Please send your capabilities statement to PBGC in an email to: The subject line of your email should include: vendor name – subject of message –and up to three tags related to your business. This format best fits the data structure in our vendor information repository database. Do not use the subject line to identify yourself as a small business or any of the other categories of small business. Try to limit the size of the body of your email by using hyperlinks. Your email may include attachments in any commonly accepted format (e.g., MS Office files, PDF files, etc.). The size of your email, inclusive of all attachments, should not exceed 5 MB. Failure to follow these instructions may result in rejection of your email by our system.


The vendor repository does not constitute a “vendor’s bidding list.” Because PBGC awards contracts through competitive procedures, your providing information to the repository will not give you an advantage in any PBGC procurement activity and does not guarantee that you will receive a contract from PBGC.

We will add your information into the repository, so PBGC personnel may review it when conducting market research. The repository will be available to all PBGC departments. Personnel conducting market research may contact your company directly at the phone number or email address you provide to further their market research activities. However, PBGC’s placing of your information in its repository does not guarantee you will receive a follow-up contact from PBGC.

Your information will remain in the repository for approximately one year, then it will be deleted. If you wish to maintain your information after this period, you will need to resubmit it in another email to the same address.


Please direct any questions to

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