A CUSIP number is a nine-digit number assigned to the publicly traded securities of a Plan Sponsor (or member of the Plan Sponsor’s controlled group) under the securities numbering system of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures. The first six digits of the CUSIP number identify the securities issuer, the next two digits identify the specific securities issue, and the last digit is a check digit.
a-g Report the name and address of the Plan Administrator. Note that this is the address where we send official correspondence to the plan (e.g., an invoice for late payment charges).
h Report the name, e-mail address, and phone number of the person we should contact if we have any questions concerning this filing. We will send official correspondence to the "attention of" this person at the address reported in (a)-(g).
To keep our records current and enable us to send correspondence to the correct address, you should inform us of address changes as soon as they occur. You may do so by contacting us either in writing or by e‑mail. See Appendix 2 for contact information.
Report the name of an additional contact person and his or her e-mail address and phone number.
There is no premium proration where a plan ceases to be a covered plan before the end of the plan year.
Note that the short year need not have ended by the time you pay a prorated premium, but if the plan year turns out to be longer than you anticipated, you will have to make up any premium underpayment, which will be subject to interest and penalties.
Note also that premium proration is not available for "overlapping" premium payments resulting from a plan Merger, Consolidation, or Spinoff.
Please note the following exceptions that apply only if this is an amended filing: