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ERISA Section 4050 Mortality Table for 2015 Valuation Dates

This mortality table is used as part of the "missing participant annuity assumptions" as discussed in 29 CFR 4050.  This mortality table is also available in EXCEL.

The rate tables applicable for other years are accessible from the main ERISA Section 4044/4050 Mortality Tables page.

Mortality Rates for year 2015 Valuation Dates Under Section 4050
Age Blend
15 0.000173
16 0.000198
17 0.000219
18 0.000231
19 0.000238
20 0.000243
21 0.000253
22 0.000267
23 0.000293
24 0.000322
25 0.000362
26 0.000420
27 0.000446
28 0.000463
29 0.000481
30 0.000507
31 0.000535
32 0.000553
33 0.000562
34 0.000568
35 0.000574
36 0.000586
37 0.000608
38 0.000627
39 0.000652
40 0.000689
41 0.000728
42 0.000771
43 0.000811
44 0.000850
45 0.000883
46 0.000925
47 0.000980
48 0.001055
49 0.001136
50 0.001241
51 0.001364
52 0.001526
53 0.001736
54 0.001964
55 0.002274
56 0.002659
57 0.003107
58 0.003601
59 0.004090
60 0.004644
61 0.005368
62 0.006099
63 0.007057
64 0.008001
65 0.009023
66 0.010281
67 0.011417
68 0.012311
69 0.013395
70 0.014305
71 0.015404
72 0.016948
73 0.018432
74 0.020273
75 0.022431
76 0.024804
77 0.028453
78 0.032287
79 0.036607
80 0.041457
81 0.046880
82 0.052913
83 0.058304
84 0.065120
85 0.072269
86 0.080427
87 0.091501
88 0.102991
89 0.115417
90 0.129564
91 0.142483
92 0.158827
93 0.175966
94 0.191895
95 0.212127
96 0.229423
97 0.250315
98 0.272591
99 0.290844
100 0.309428
101 0.338758
102 0.358830
103 0.380735
104 0.404426
105 0.427883
106 0.449085
107 0.466012
108 0.478582
109 0.488140
110 0.494813
111 0.498724
112 0.500000
113 0.500000
114 0.500000
115 0.500000
116 0.500000
117 0.500000
118 0.500000
119 0.500000
120 1.000000
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